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Version History

AIMP3 Changelog

AIMP v3.50 Build 1224 Beta 1 (31.01.2013)

+ Common: Performance has been increased
+ Common: Player no longer supports configuration files from AIMP2
+ Common: Added support of long pathname (more than 260 characters), only for Windows Vista and newer
+ Common: Settings in options dialog has been regrouped
+ Common: Added an ability to split files by chapters (OGG, OPS, M4A and M4B are supported)
+ Sound Engine: Added support for i32v24 sample format
+ Sound Engine: Now player has separate settings for crossfading in manual and automatic switching modes
+ Sound Engine: Equalizer has been improved - now all frequencies are processed between sliders
+ Skin Engine: Potential abilities are extended
+ Skin Engine: An ability to switch off spectrum animation for playable track
+ Skin Engine: An ability to dock window to the top and bottom screen edges
+ Player: Hotkey for the "Reload data from pre-image" command has been added
+ Player: Hotkeys for executing the "Bookmarks Manager" and "Equalizer" dialogs has been added
+ Player: Hotkeys for set mark to playable / selected files has been added
+ Player: Confirmation for the remove equalizer preset operation has been added
+ Player: Equalizer settings has been added to the DSP Manager dialog
+ Player: Now files merge into one queue, when send it to a removable device
+ Player: Added Drag-n-Drop support for the Bookmarks Manager
+ Player: The queue of shuffle playback is now stored on the application closing
+ Player: Playlist tab hint now contains information about playlist content
+ Player: Managing Playlists - added an ability to browse content of closed playlist (with search ability)
+ Audio Converter: Hotkey for start conversion process has been added
+ Audio Converter: Added an ability to save path structure during conversion process
+ Audio Converter: OPUS Encoder has been added
+ CoverArt Downloader: Caching of downloaded files for current work session
+ CoverArt Downloader: Click on image now opens it in external application
+ Scheduler: Alarm Clock - added an ability to execute action after pre-set time period
+ Scheduler: Alarm Clock - added an ability to set playlist as alarm clock ringtone
+ Tag Editor: The "File Size" column has been added
+ Tag Editor: Added an ability to resize window of "Presets Editor" dialog
+ Tag Editor: Rename files - added an ability to replace / remove selected characters
+ Tag Editor: Rename files - bilateral transliteration has been added (Russian - English)
+ Tag Editor: Rename files - new design
+ Tag Editor: Added support of "BPM", "Disc Count" and "Publisher" tag fields
+ Tag Editor: Added support of OPUS format tags
+ Tag Editor: Added an ability to calculate BPM (powered by SoundTouch Library)
+ Audio Library: Mark reading speed has been increased by 10 times
+ Audio Library: Added an ability to display rating instead of mark, if mark is not set
+ Audio Library: Added an ability to switch off automatic jump to next track during playback
+ Audio Library: Added an ability to send files to playlist
+ Audio Library: The "BPM", "Composer", "Publisher" and "File Format" columns has been added
+ Audio Library: Added an ability to add files to data base via Drag-n-Drop
+ Audio Library: Added special context menu for cells of the "Labels" column
+ Audio Library: Hotkeys for playback control has been added
+ Audio Library: New design of the "Labels Manager" dialog
+ Custom Controls: Context menu - added an ability to scroll items via mouse wheel
+ Custom Controls: Context menu - auto scrolling to selected item on menu popup
+ Custom Controls: Now you can switch between tabs via Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab / Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown shortcuts
+ Custom Controls: Scrollbar - added an ability to jump to position under mouse cursor via mouse click with pressed Shift key
+ Custom Controls: ListView and TreeView - per-pixel scrolling has been added

AIMP v3.20 Build 1165 (21.12.2012)

* Tag Editor: Cover art now stored to special section in FLAC format
* Player: The Algorithm of catching CUE sheets for audio files with double extension has been improved
- Fixed: Audio Converter - Sample format saves incorrectly for command line encoders
- Fixed: Audio Converter - Error occurs when trying to remove virtual track from disk
- Fixed: Radio Capture - Unable to choose command line encoder for capture
- Fixed: The "Ctrl+Del" hotkey is intercepted by playlist from secondary text input elements
- Fixed: The content of playlist stops drawing in some cases
- Fixed: Player doesn't play sound, if initialization of DSP-plugin failed
- Fixed: Player doesn't detect CD-drive at "A" letter

AIMP v3.20 Build 1163 (28.11.2012)

* Audio Converter - Track Number column has been added
* Audio Converter - %IN macro is now supported
* Tag Editor - M4A Tag column has been added
* Audio Library - Added an ability to edit tags of playable file
- Fixed: The Error Dialog cannot be closed via ESC key
- Fixed: Equalizer presets created incorrectly during install on Windows with non-russian locale
- Fixed: Radio Capture - Doesn't transfer tags to the file when capturing stream in AAC format without transcoding
- Fixed: Quick Tag Editor - Cover Art from folder does not display for virtual files
- Fixed: Quick Tag Editor - Extended information about radio station does not display, if Editor has been called from "Quick File Info" dialog
- Fixed: Skin Engine - Fully transparent elements in old skins does not drawn correctly
- Fixed: Skin Engine - Delayed update of visualization elements
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects

AIMP v3.20 Build 1155 (16.11.2012)

* Playlist: Quick search can be finished now by pressing ESC key
- Fixed: Browse Folder Dialog - selected folder adding to the playlist independent from checkmark state
- Fixed: Sound Engine doesn't detects supported formats of audio device correctly
- Fixed: Tag Editor - Lyrics does not "break" by lines for M4A format
- Fixed: Tag Editor - track number does not save to playing file
- Fixed: Audio Library hangs in some cases when "add files" or "rescan tags" operation is active
- Fixed: Audio Library - alphabetic index has inverted scrolling by mouse wheel
- Fixed: Known memory leaks
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects

View full changelog for AIMP 3

AIMP2 Changelog

AIMP v2.61 Build 583 Final Release (10.11.2010)

+ Added localizations: Chinese (Traditional)
* BASS Libraries were updated
* Localizations were updated
* Manuals were updated
- Fixed: incorrect reading of the cover arts from ID3v2.4 tags
- Fixed: information in the Aero Peek wasn't updated if the cover art of the current file has been changed
- Fixed: playback progress wasn't updated in taskbar in some cases
- Fixed: bug with creation of playlist when importing files from other applications
- Fixed: small bugs

AIMP v2.61 Build 570 (05.06.2010)

* Manuals were updated
* BASS Libraries were updated
* Skins were updated
- Fixed: playback of the file didn't start from the beginning in some cases
- Fixed: bug with multiple folders selection in the dialog
- Fixed: Some WV files couldn't be played
- Fixed: bug with reading duration from some WMA files
- Fixed: bug with multiple selection in the playlist
- Fixed: bounds of the looped section were dropped if file position had been changed manually

AIMP v2.61 Build 560 (22.03.2010)

* Manuals were updated
* BASS Libraries were updated
* Tags reading core was optimized
* License agreement was updated
* Localizations were updated
- Fixed: auto shutdown fails, if pause between tracks was switched on
- Fixed: sometimes the name of the radio station can be lost from playlist item
- Fixed: small bugs in plugins core
- Fixed: small bugs in skins engine

AIMP v2.60 Build 551 (15.02.2010)

+ Music player: Automatically subdividing to tracks when adding file that has CUE-Sheet
+ Music player: Possibility to turn off Explorer context menu cascading
+ Music player: 'Windows Default' added to default sound output devices list
+ Music player: Repeating of the part of the track (A-B Repeat) added
+ Music player: Crossfading effect when rewinding track added
+ Music player: When playing CUE-Sheet real track`s format will be displayed in information line
+ Music player: Displaying duration and size of files, selected in playlist
+ Music player: Embedded CUE-Sheet support for WV, FLAC, APE formats
+ Music player: Reconnection to internet-radiostation when losing connection
+ Music player: XSPF playlists support
+ Music player: Ability to adjust pause between tracks
+ Music player: Template for filename for radio recording
+ Music player: Adjusting playlist scrolling speed
+ Music player: Reduced system resources usage
* Removed title scrolling from playlist
* Removed ability to dock main window to audio library because of the instability

+ Tag editor: 'Disk number' field added
+ Tag editor: Ability to edit Embedded CUE-Sheet
+ Tag Editor [Advanced]: new column 'album cover’s availability in tag-file' added
+ Tag editor [Advanced]: added ability to show subfolder headers in the file list
+ Tag editor [Advanced]: Multiple deleting of selected tags
+ Tag editor [Advanced]: MiniMusic player for track preview

+ Skins Engine: Added saturation regulator
+ Skins Engine: Added ability to disable windows magnetize effect
+ Skins Engine: 'All In One' mode added
+ Skins Engine: Ability to create user`s containers added
+ Skins Engine: New elements added - CoverArt, Rating Display, A-B Repeat Mode
+ Skins Engine: Half-opaque support for elements that can`t contain other elements
+ Skins Engine: Docking Engine updated

+ Plugins: Information line is a plugin now
+ Plugins: Automatic computer shutdown is a plugin now
+ Plugins: Active online Shoutcast / Icecast radiostations browser added
+ Plugins: CoverArt Downloader added

+ Core: In Windows Vista and higher 'Vista Dialogs' will be used instead of classic
+ Core: 'While-typing' TreeView navigation
+ Core: Single-line text painting speed-up
+ Core: Internal classes and functions optimisation
+ Core: Ability to read audio content info from MusePack v8
+ Core: Small bugs fixed

+ Information line: FadeIn and FadeOut
+ Information line: Optional album art displaying
+ Information line: Ability to adjust text alignment
+ Information line: Ability to disable display of infobar if full-screen application is running

+ Audio Library: Ability to reset statistics
+ Audio Library: DB requests optimization
+ Audio Library: CUE-Sheet support
+ Audio Library: Sorting playlists by rating
+ Audio Library: Displaced files management

+ DSP-Manager: Button to reset effects to their default values
+ DSP-Manager: Equalizer algorithm updated
+ DSP-Manager: 'Replay gain' tag support in 'Auto normalize sound volume' module
+ DSP-Manager: DFX9 compability improved

+ Queue: Ability to save queue as playlist
+ Queue: Ability to turn off queue saving after Music player shutdown
+ Queue: Moving queue manager items by mouse

+ Sound recorder: Moved to separate package
+ Sound recorder: Engine optimized

+ Audio converter: Moved to separate package
+ Audio converter: Engine optimized
+ Audio converter: Option added 'skip the file if it already exists in destination folder'
+ Audio converter: '_new' suffix is deleted automatically if the source file is deleted after converting

AIMP v2.51 Build 330 (30.12.2008)

+ Core: Updated to BASS v2.4
+ Core: New module for plug-ins management
+ Core: New capabilities for Addon-plugin
+ Core: Ability for all functions to set both global and local keys
+ Core: Skins Engine updated
+ Core: The scheme of user`s preferences storing has been improved
+ Core: Interaction with Winamp DSP / Input improved
+ Core: Ability to read ID3v1/2/APE tags for WavPack-format files
* Updated: UTF8 encoding supports for cue-sheets

+ DSP-Engine: Added logarithmic volume control
+ DSP-Engine: Added filter for normalization of sound
+ DSP-Engine: Added filter for reverse audio channels (for stereo only)
+ DSP-Engine: Added filter for voice removal
+ DSP-Engine: Added filter for passes silence when song playing
+ DSP-Engine: Added Stereo Enhancer (for stereo only)

+ Audio Library: Engine switshed to SQLite3
+ Audio Library: Quick search for items in the groups-tree
+ Audio Library: Ability to change the order of table columns
+ Audio Library: Files add to the library by simply drag-n-drop
+ Audio Library: An interface of library updated
+ Audio Library: Quick navigation panel
+ Audio Library: FLAC / APE / AAC / MPC support
+ Audio Library: Expanded integration with Music player
+ Audio Library: Relative paths saving for files from removable media
* Audio Library: Adding files speeded up at 50 percents

+ Playlists: Ability to Autosave playlist at the address where it opened (kept in profile folder previously)
+ Playlists: Ability to use conditional operator in a string templates
+ Playlists: Ability to add folders series to playlist by Open dialog
+ Playlists: Ability to cut the file from one playlist to another (when moving with Alt button down)
+ Playlists: Code optimization
+ Playlists: Support of m3u8 playlists
+ Playlists: When you add folder to an empty playlist it name became as the name of a folder
+ Playlists: Bookmarks scrolling by mouse wheel in playlist
+ Playlists: Load / save playlist`s operations accelerated
+ Playlists: Auto-sorting playlists in the window 'Playlist Customization'

+ Music player: Ability to set a conversion table for non-Unicode strings
+ Music player: Added CD-Text support
+ Music player: Added LastFM plugin for work with LastFM service
+ Music player: Further development of the 'copy to folder' function - list of 'recent folders' added
+ Music player: Right-click on a traveling line to open the Quick Tag Editor
+ Music player: Stop button flashing when you set 'stop after current track' option + Support of MMS protocol
+ Music player: Options for MIDI / MOD files playback
+ Music player: Display the real names of tracks instead of 'next / previous file' on navigation buttons
+ Music player: Playback status displaying in the tip of tray icon
+ Music player: Bookmarks Manager updated
+ Music player: CUE-Sheets module redesigned (track switching from the context menu of the current playback position)
+ Music player: Options window ergonomic increased
+ Music player: Transparency settings has been improved for main windows
+ Music player: Playlist saving on Music player close
+ Music player: Ability to save playlist with ansi-encoding

+ Quick Tag Editor: Ability to edit path of the file
+ Quick Tag Editor: Copy data to clipboard button
+ Quick Tag Editor: Copy file to clipboard button
+ Quick Tag Editor: Autofill tags based on name / path of file
+ Quick Tag Editor: New design

+ Advanced search: Ability to search for a job Playlist File
+ Advanced search: Playlist Manager calls from Advanced search window
+ Advanced search: Displaying the file number in the playlist

+ Advanced Tag Editor: Ability to set cover for several files
+ Advanced Tag Editor: Ability to tags removing from multiple files
+ Advanced Tag Editor: Added Autofill tags function based on name / path of file
+ Advanced Tag Editor: Genres sorted alphabetically
+ Advanced Tag Editor: Code optimization
+ Advanced Tag Editor: Red highlighting with the group rename files, which could not be renamed
+ Advanced Tag Editor: Interface changed

AIMP v2.51 Build 323 (15.12.2008)

* Usability was improved
- Wrong duration for *.wv files in some times
- fixed Tempo and Pitch sound effects in B320
- fixed 32-bits sound processing option in B320

AIMP v2.51 Build 320 (23.11.2008)

Music player
+ Bosnian and Croatian languages were added

+ Ability to read ID3v1/2/APE tags for WavPack-format files
* License agreement was updated
* Audio Library: Adding files speeded up at 50 percents
* Audio Library: Grouping by albums set as default "CardsView" mode for "show all files"

- Autoplayback of playlist was not started after opening files if shuffle mode was active
- Files with non-printing characters in the tag fields were not added to audio library
- Playlist playback was not started during playlist's navigation by hotkeys, if the first track was "switched off"
- Wrong automatic tracks numbering in audio converter

AIMP v2.50 Build 312 (24.10.2008)

Music player
+ Ability to save playlist with ansi-encoding

- Bug with renaming files by template with illegal characters
- Could not added to the playlist files with *.fla extention
- Incorrect work of "Randomize files at playlist" function
- Incorrect encoding of russian text which loaded from CDDB
- There were no statistics for files with duration less than 15 seconds in Audio library
- Wrong updating file information when CUE-Sheets playing
- Sometimes changes did't saved in Audio library
- Some small bugs

AIMP v2.50 Build 306 (10.10.2008)

+ Updated to BASS v2.4
+ New module for plug-ins management
+ New capabilities for Addon-plugin
+ Ability for all functions to set both global and local keys
+ SkinsEngine updated
+ The scheme of user's preferences storing is improved
+ Interaction with Winamp DSP / Input improved

+ Added logarithmic volume control
+ Added filter for normalization of sound
+ Added filter for reverse audio channels (for stereo only)
+ Added filter for voice removal
+ Added filter for passes silence when song playing
+ Added Stereo Enhancer (for stereo only)

Audio Library
+ Engine switshed to SQLite3
+ Quick search for items in the groups-tree
+ Ability to change the order of table columns
+ Files add to the library by simply drag-n-drop
+ An interface of library updated
+ Quick navigation panel
+ FLAC / APE / AAC / MPC support
+ Expanded integration with Music player
+ Relative paths saving for files from removable media

+ Ability to Autosave playlist at the address where it opened (kept in profile folder previously)
+ Ability to use conditional operator in a string templates
+ Ability to add folders series to playlist by Open dialog
+ Ability to cut the file from one playlist to another (when moving with Alt button down)
+ Code optimization
+ Support of m3u8 playlists
+ When you add folder to an empty playlist it name became as the name of a folder
+ Bookmarks scrolling by mouse wheel in playlist
+ Load / save playlist's operations accelerated
+ Auto-sorting playlists in the window "Playlist Customization"

Music player
+ Ability to set a conversion table for non-Unicode strings
+ Added CD-Text support
+ Added LastFM plugin for work with LastFM service
+ Further development of the "copy to folder" function - list of "recent folders" added
+ Right-click on a traveling line to open the Quick Tag Editor
+ Stop button flashing when you set "stop after current track" option + Support of MMS protocol
+ Options for MIDI / MOD files playback
+ Display the real names of tracks instead of "next / previous file" on navigation buttons
+ Playback status displaying in the tip of tray icon
+ Bookmarks Manager updated
+ CUE-Sheets module redesigned (track switching from the context menu of the current playback position)
+ Options window ergonomic increased
+ Transparency settings are improved for main windows
+ Playlist saving on Music player close

Quick Tag Editor
+ Ability to edit path of the file
+ Copy data to clipboard button
+ Copy file to clipboard button
+ Autofill tags based on name / path of file
+ New design

Advanced search
+ Ability to search for a job Playlist File
+ Playlist Manager calls from Advanced search window
+ Displaying the file number in the playlist

Audio Converter
+ Converter's engine redesigned
+ Swithed to command-line encoders
+ Interface changed
+ Added encoders FLAC, AAC, MPC / MP +

Advanced Tag Editor
+ Ability to set cover for several files
+ Ability to tags removing from multiple files
+ Added Autofill tags function based on name / path of file
+ Genres sorted alphabetically
+ Code optimization
+ Red highlighting with the group rename files, which could not be renamed
+ Interface changed

AIMP v2.11 (14.03.2008)

Music player
+ AutoJump to the next file in tag editor was added
+ Selection in playlist will move to the current file regardless of the focus if manual navigation used
+ Function of template formation was speeded up
+ Arabic and Belarussian (true) localizations were added

- Bug in CUE-Parser
- Bug with Playlist selection in autojump to next playlist function
- Bug with playlist window position in dualview mode
- Bug with QuickFileInfo updating
- Bug with crossfade between tracks with active Mute or PreAMP modes
- Bug with randomize by playlist function in DragNDrop Mode
- Bug with playing of multichannel audio
- Bug with tracklist generation by template

AIMP v2.10 (30.01.2008)

Music player
+ Auto rename playlist on manual saving
+ Quick search up & down by list
+ Transparency of main windows
+ Small visual changes
+ Method of searching in playlist was updated - now the result is not affected by order of parts
+ Method of searching in playlist was also accelerated
+ Azerbaijani, Catalan, Chuvash, Slovenian, Tajik, Thai localizations were added

- Library: bug in sorting items in playlists
- Bug with Drag&Drop coping with wrong links
- Bug with playlists creation
- Bug with radio recording with 32-bit sound processing
- Bug with reading lyrics from *.OGG files
- Bug with AIMP working in minized mode

AIMP v2.09 (30.12.2007)

Music player
+ Help in russian was added
+ Showing album covers from GIF
+ Search album covers algorith was updated
+ LangPackages format was updated

- Bug with reading lyrics from FLAC
- Bugs with minimization to tray

AIMP v2.08.3 Beta (23.12.2007)

+ Left click by category- select all files in category

Audio Library
- Bug with sorting by rating
- Bug with physically remove
- Bug with playing files from treelist

- Bugs in SkinEngine
- Bug with visual plugin loading
- Bug with global hot key assignment to "Remove Current" command
- Some small bugs

AIMP v2.08.2 Beta (11.12.2007)

- Bug with visual plugin loading was fixed
- Bug with blocking screensaver was fixed
- Bugs with playlist painting were fixed
- Some small bugs were fixed

AIMP v2.08.1 Beta (3.12.2007)

- Equalizer filter bug was fixed
- Some small bugs were fixed

AIMP v2.08 Beta (28.11.2007)

Music player
+ AIMP could divide internet-radio into tracks
+ 32-bit sound processing
+ New Quick Tag Editor
+ Manual scrolling of traveling line
+ Auto-hide playlist in toolbar mode only if AIMP window is non-focused
+ Showing album covers from JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF (for Win2K is required GDI+)
+ Line formating of tracklist
+ Quick File Info is available instead of information line
+ Jump to quick search by F3
- Bug with saving options in limited account
- Bug with reading track number from tag with non-numerical tag-data
- Bug with saving state of DSP plugins
- Bug with wake up
- Bug with Unicode
- Some bugs were fixed

Audio Library
+ Improved Add to DataBase menu
+ Auto-compressing DB every 2 weeks
- Bug with scrolling of list if it contains more than 32000 files
- Bug with language changing

Sound Recorder
- Fixed bug with hotkey settings

AIMP v2.07.1 Beta (06.11.2007)

+ Some bugs were fixed

AIMP2 v2.07 Beta (29.10.2007)

Music player
+ New hotkey settings menu
+ Now AIMP's interface supports unicode
+ Radio records save in individual folders
+ New sound effects: Tempo & Pitch
+ File queue management by keyboard
+ Set file rating in Quick File Info
- Removed title scrolling from playlist

+ Playlist bookmarks sorting
+ «Insert file after current»
+ Show dead file-links
+ New boolmarks menu, ability to save current playing position of file
+ Variable width of playlist in Toolbar mode
+ Search in all playlists

Audio Library
+ New interface mode - Card View
+ Search by file names in library
+ Saving last active item

- Bug with track number of WMA files
- Bug with track lirics in ID3v2 tags
- Bug in Drag'n'Drop of files with unicode symbols in title
- Bug in hidden folders adding
- Speed up PLC-playlists loading

AIMP v2.05.2 Beta (01.10.2007)

Music player
+ Quick launch for skins in TrayControl
+ Quick launch for equalizer and playlist settings
+ Ability of coping information of track to clipboard in QuickFileInfo
+ Tags support utf16 format

- Bugs with playing some MP3s
- Bugs with playing MMS-stream
- Bugs in SkinEngine
- Bugs in winamp emulation module (with Input, Generic plugins)
- Bugs with shuffle mode
- Registry menu was not working in tag editor

AIMP v2.03 Beta (14.09.2007)

Music player
+ DragAndDrop in playlist bookmarks
+ QuickEditor was wided
+ Upgraded function "Open folder with file"
+ Ability to change font in information line
+ Function "Search new files": searching in sub-folders now

- Fixed focusing on Music player during D'n'D in playlist
- Bug in tag-scanner of playlist

- Bug in reading ID3v2.4 tags
- Bug in reading some CUE
- Drawing frames in Windows Vista
- Didn't show covers of albums
- Bug in playing some MP3-files with VBR
- Bug in playing WAV-files grabbed by WMP
- Bug in saving path of folder to record radio
- Bug in "stop after current"
- Other small bugs

AIMP v2.02 Beta (01.09.2007)

Audio Library
+ Set rating from Music player's menu
+ Now released as plugin
+ Selection of columns in table
+ Highlighting of current playing item

Music player
+ Adjustment of crossfading duration
+ Saving number of track in .PLC
+ Showing the adjustment of value of volume, balance and speed
   in travelling line of display
+ New tray status icon
+ Analog Meter was updated
+ AIMP applications' interplay module was remade

- Bug in .ogg radio
- Bug in reading .APE tags
- Bug in "StayOnTop" mode
- Bug in Drag'n'Dropping files from playlist to other applications
- Bug in file-association
- Lots of small bugs
- Bugs in SkinEngine

AIMP v2.00 Beta 1 (08.08.2007)

+ New style of program
+ Audio library
+ CUE sheets support
+ Ability of viewing the album cover for current track
+ Ability of autocreating tracklist for internet radio capturing
+ Ability of changing icon-schemes for file associations
+ New version of "Analog Meter" plugin
+ Ability of turn off the computer after N-th number of tracks
+ Ability of global volume control
+ Ability of scrolling title at button in the taskbar
+ ASX-Playlists support
+ Support opening multiple files from command line
+ New version of sound engine and ogg codec

+ Ability of multi editing
+ Ability of save tags to playing file

+ Ability to dock/undock playlist from main window, change horizontal size
+ Ability make playlist as desktop toolbar
+ New style of playlist
+ Grouping files in playlist with selected scheme
+ Quick search
+ Ability of sorting playlists tabs

Tag editor
+ MPC tags support
+ UTF8 support for all tags
+ Graphic tags support for MP3, WMA files

Sound recorder
+ Ability to set hot keys to turn on/off the recording

Latest files:

AIMP v3.50 Build 1224 Beta 1

AIMP v3.20 Build 1165

AIMP v2.61 Build 583

AIMP Tools v2.61 Converter & Recorder

AIMP2 SkinEditor v2.60 RC3 Build 112

SonyEricsson Bluetooth Control plugin

[SKIN] Black Ice


This website represents an English version of AIMP.RU
All rights for the software are reserved by the authors - AIMP DevTeam